Welcome Home!
We understand how hard it can be to visit a new church. We understand because Providence Methodist is a start-up church of the Global Methodist Church and we are a congregation made up of folks from Buncombe, Madison, and Henderson counties. We invite you to come worship with us and encounter God's presence through friendly fellowship, music, prayer and preaching centered on Jesus Christ.
A few things to know about worshiping at Providence:
The Asheville North Seventh-day Adventist Church has graciously allowed us to use their facility on Sunday mornings. There is plenty of on-site parking along with several handicap parking spaces. There are no steps to navigate and the parking lot is level with the church entrance. ​
Sunday worship service starts at 11am and lasts approximately 1 hour. ​
Hearing-assist devices are available. The sanctuary and bathrooms are ADA compliant.
Every Sunday we sing three great hymns of the faith along with liturgical elements such as the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles Creed. The words to the Lord's prayer and Apostles Creed are projected on our big screen so everyone can follow along. ​​
Some folks like to dress up for worship, and others prefer to be more casual. We welcome you to come as you are!​
Providence Methodist, an evangelical church, holds strongly to ancient beliefs and doctrines.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Email us at office@providencegmc.org